24.25 Season Announcement on August 17

STREAMING NOW: Listen to our newest album WE BREATHE IN STARS !

In 2020, Pro Coro Canada commissioned eight Alberta composers to write a short four-part a cappella work that could be learned individually at home and eventually sung in small groups during periods where gatherings were restricted. Pro Coro Canada subsequently recorded these works in full and as individual practice videos in the summer, one of the earliest professional choral activities during the pandemic in Canada. The choir has since performed the compositions several times in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region.

  • A Prayer to Bring You Home by John Estacio

  • The Heart of Night by Margaret King

  • My Mother's Body by Stuart Bach

  • I Am Small by Jane Berry

  • Deep Peace by Brian Tate

  • How Good Will It Feel by Allan Gilliland

  • Singing in the End by Jane Berry

  • What Is the Feeling by Jennifer McMillan

  • Droplets by Laura Hawley

  • Yotin by Sherryl Sewepagaham