All-Night Vigil by Rachmaninoff - an introduction
An All-Night Vigil is a service in the Eastern Orthodox or Eastern Catholic Church consisting of a combination of Vespers, Matins, and the First Hour. It is celebrated at sunset on Saturdays, which is technically the dawn of the new Liturgical day.

Reflections - Part 3: One Earth, Many Voices
In the third edition of “Reflections” with Richard Sparks, journey through Sparks’ final seasons as Pro Coro Canada’s Artistic Director.

Reflections - Part 2: Moving the Soul
From Haydn masses to the lighter sides of Pro Coro, Richard Sparks continues his reflection through his tenure at the podium as Artistic Director of Edmonton’s Professional Choir in “Reflections - Part II: Moving the Soul”

Reflections: Pro Coro at 40, With Richard Sparks - Part 1
In honour of Pro Coro Canada’s 40th Anniversary, former Pro Coro Artistic Director Richard Sparks reflects on his tenure as Artistic Director and Principal Conductor from 1999-2011. Open up the Pro Coro archives in this three-part series as Sparks reveals his musical journey with Edmonton’s Professional Choir.

Canadian Voices: A Prayer to Bring You Home - John Estacio
“In 1999 I composed “Eulogies” for Pro Coro Canada, a set of 4 choral works based on eulogies that Val Brandt had written for friends and family. In some ways, this is my fifth eulogy, a heartfelt tribute for a mother.”

Canadian Voices: Yôtin (The Wind) - Sherryl Sewepagaham
“Every piece I create is a piece of me, my family, my Cree people, and includes teachings. Yôtin (the wind) is sacred, playful and intense and the piece is meant to capture that. Yôtin starts gentle but ends up fierce and cold. Yôtin is always intentional and purposeful.”

Canadian Voices: How Good Will It Feel - Allan Gilliland and Jemma Hicken
Composer Allan Gilliland and Poet Jemma Hicken discuss “How Good Will It Feel?” premiering on Pro Coro TV

Canadian Voices: My Mother’s Body - Stuart Beatch
While it’s rare to experience such a concentrated burst of creativity, I am thankful to King’s Fold for the serenity and opportunity to focus. I have no doubt that the gorgeous views, overlooking the Ghost River at the base of the Rocky Mountains, contributed to the sense of stillness in this piece.

Canadian Voices: Singing in the End - Jane Berry
It felt ominous, haunting, rebellious, hopeful, defiant, and it held the making of one’s art as the highest priority above all else. All of this I felt, all of this I was living at the time.

Canadian Voices: Droplets - Laura Hawley
As I contemplated how to musically express our collective anxiety as we try to adjust to a new world where we navigate one another in new and uncomfortable ways, I began to think of our new ways of interacting as a delicate and controlled dance.

Canadian Voices: What is the Feeling? Jennifer McMillan
My first reaction is often to write something challenging and grand, especially when given the opportunity to write for a group like Pro Coro. Michael Zaugg asked if I would consider writing for treble voices, and I immediately knew I wanted to write a piece with a strong and powerful message for young female singers.

Canadian Voices: The Heart of Night - Margaret King
“Like the stars, we are singular and dynamic, and we also belong to something much greater.”